A. Victoria Mixon, Editor

May 13, 2009

Literary Mash-Up Extravaganza, Day #4

Long Day’s Journey to the Center of the Earth
Jules Verne’s science fiction classic of a squabbling family fighting off prehistoric sea serpents and each other.
Jack Shakely

Sea is for Cortez
Kinsey Millhone follows Doc Rickets to Mexico, where she rescues him from the love and affection of a younger woman.
Matthew Blue

Les Miserables Babes on Broadway
A noir Busby Berkeley production about the down-&-out victims of New York society.

Slaughterhouse Dave Clark Five
Five singers are trapped in an underground shelter in Dresden. It turns out they’re thirty years too late for it to be in the slightest bit dramatic.
Agatha Monteleon

Godel, Escher, Bach to the Future
Doc Brown and Marty discover the parallels among history’s great thinkers in a De Lorean.
Elwood P. Gray

Gilligan’s Island of the Blue Dolphins
A crew of madcap castaways washes up on a desert island, where all but the girl are eaten by wild dogs.

The Lady in Lake Wobegon
Philip Marlowe is trapped indefinitely in a small Midwestern town, where he succumbs to random killings to alleviate the stupifying boredom.

Moby Dick Tracy
A giant white whale solves crimes in the inner city.
Elwood P. Gray

Our Thin Man in Havana
Long after the government has stopped paying him, Greene’s hero continues copying out the details of the insides of vacuum cleaners and mailing them to Washington. Eventually, his savings run out and he must beg for change on the streets. However, nothing stops the wily fake spy.

The Sisterhood of Travels With my Pants
Graham Greene accidentally winds up in South America with a giddy gang of girls who can’t talk about anything but their personal lives.
Agatha Monteleon

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